
IG Advertising - The Dos & The Don'ts

Fix your Instagram Ads with this actionable guide

Instagram (IG) advertising is a powerful tool for businesses looking to reach a vast and engaged audience.

With over a billion monthly active users, Instagram offers a unique platform to showcase your products and services. However, to make the most of your IG advertising efforts, it’s essential to know the best practices and common pitfalls. Here’s a guide to the dos and don’ts of IG advertising to help you create effective campaigns.

The Dos of IG Advertising

1. Do Know Your Audience

Understanding your target audience is crucial for crafting effective ads. Understanding who your audience is will allow you to craft a much more compelling ad. Identify their interests, behaviours and demographics to tailor your ads accordingly.

2. Do Use High-Quality Visuals

Instagram is a visually-driven platform. Invest in high-quality images and videos that capture attention. Use vibrant colours, compelling compositions and clear, focused subjects to make your ads stand out in users’ feeds.

3. Do Utilise Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories are an excellent way to engage with your audience. Use features like polls, questions and swipe-up links to create interactive and immersive experiences. Stories are ideal for time-sensitive promotions and behind-the-scenes content.

4. Do Leverage User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) can boost credibility and engagement. Encourage your followers to share their experiences with your products by tagging your page. Feature this content in your ads to build trust and social proof.

5. Do A/B Test Your Ads

Experiment with different ad formats, visuals and copy to see what resonates best with your audience. A/B testing helps you optimise your campaigns for better performance and higher ROI.

6. Do Include a Strong Call-to-Action (CTA)

A compelling CTA directs users on what to do next. Whether it’s “Shop Now,” “Learn More,” or “Sign Up,” ensure your CTA is clear and aligns with your campaign goals.


The Don'ts of IG Advertising

1. Don’t Ignore Instagram’s Guidelines

Adhering to Instagram’s advertising policies is essential. Violating these guidelines can lead to your ads being disapproved or your account being banned. Familiarise yourself with Instagram’s rules to avoid any issues.

2. Don’t Overcomplicate Your Message

Simplicity is key. Avoid cluttered visuals and complex messages that can confuse users. Keep your ad creative clean and focused on a single, clear message.

3. Don’t Neglect Mobile Optimisation

Most Instagram users access the platform via mobile devices. Ensure your ads are optimised for mobile viewing. This includes using appropriate image sizes, readable text and mobile-friendly landing pages.

4. Don’t Forget to Track Performance

Regularly monitor your ad performance using Instagram’s analytics tools. Track key metrics like engagement, click-through rates and conversions to understand what’s working and what needs improvement.

5. Don’t Rely Solely on Organic Reach

Instagram’s algorithm can limit the reach of your organic posts. To ensure your content reaches a wider audience, consider investing in paid promotions. A balanced strategy combining organic and paid efforts can yield better results.

6. Don’t Ignore Your Brand Voice

Consistency in your brand voice and messaging is crucial. Ensure that your ads reflect your brand’s identity and resonate with your audience. Inconsistent messaging can confuse followers and weaken your brand’s presence.

IG advertising can significantly boost your store's orders and revenue when done correctly.

By following these dos and don’ts, you can create compelling ads that resonate with your audience and drive meaningful results. Stay updated with the latest trends and continuously refine your strategy to maximise the effectiveness of your Instagram advertising campaigns.

Keep testing, analysing and refining your strategies to ensure continual growth and success in the competitive world of ecommerce. Happy selling!

Next up: The Power of Facebook Ads for Ecommerce Growth